Monday, October 21, 2019

Getting started

Today we start sending out the first circulars of our symposium. Do not forget to help the organizing committee with forwarding the Symposium information among your colleagues. Although we already have a good core of potential participants, we strive for continuous expansion. In particular, this time we decided to pay more attention to reports related to animals of the mires, so feel free to notify your zoologists. A separate direction, which may result in more than one section, is the influence of mires on climate and effect of climate on mires. Reports on contemporary methods for mire exploration would also be of great interest.

We hope that with your help we will be able to hold the best mire symposium ever!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Symposium registration is open!

 We are happy to announce that the registration for our symposium is open. You can register using any of two ways:

1)  Register online by filling Google form using this link. (Форма на русском языке для русскоязычных также имеется).
2) Or register by filling the form below and sending it to us via e-mail * - Compulsory questions are marked with asterisks. 

1. Surname*

2. First name*

3. Position*

4. Title and degree*

5. Name of the institution with mail address*

6. Phone number (with country and city code)*

7. Fax (with country and city code)

8. E-mail*

9. Form of participation (oral presentation, poster, without report)*

10. Preliminary presentation topic (1-8) as listed in the first circular

10a. Preliminary presentation title (if available)

11. Need in an invitation (yes/no)

12. Your comments and/or suggestions

Friday, October 11, 2019

First circular

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Russian Academy of Sciences branch of Biological Sciences
RAS Karelian Research Center Institute of Biology
RAS Institute of Forest Science
Russian Botanical Society
Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE)
Finnish-Russian Working Group on Nature Conservation
International Mire Conservation Group (IMCG)

International symposium
(Russia, Petrozavodsk, September
14-18, 2020)

Dear colleagues!

We are happy to invite you to MIRES OF NORTHERN EURASIA: BIOSPHERIC FUNCTION, DIVERSITY, MANAGEMENT international symposium which will be held in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia on September 14-18 2020.

Mire ecosystems are an essential part of forest and tundra zone landscapes where they can occupy the expansive area. The mires of the North have unique biospheric functions and great economical importance. North Eurasia countries have their traditions in the field of mire research and land management. Intensive economic involvement in Northern mires in the second half of the 1900th required the development of strategies for the rational use and conservation of mire diversity. Extensive work has been carried out in many countries and regions to restore disturbed mires and create artificial mires during recent decades. The scientific cooperation of the Nordic countries has been successfully developing on these problems for several decades; new research methods are being developed and implemented, actively developing in connection with the advent of new technical capabilities. The results of such work are regularly discussed at many scientific events. The symposium organized will allow participants to share their new results, to discuss new research methods, and to outline future tasks and prospects for cooperation.

The key topics planned to discuss on the symposium are:
1. Biological diversity and structure of mire biota: mire plant and animal communities and populations;
2. Modern techniques of mire research;
3. Dynamics, functions, other ecological tasks of intact and transformed mire ecosystems;
4. Mires and climate: the past and the present;
5. Scientific basis for mire restoration;
6. Management and ecosystem services of mires under contemporary conditions.

Working languages: Russian and English. Synchronic translation for English-speakers is expected.
The symposium is going to maintain plenary talks, works in topic oral sections, poster session, and excursions to mire sites near Petrozavodsk.

If you are interested in participating in the symposium please fill the form attached and send it to the organizing committee before 16.02.2020 via e-mail ( 
The Second Circular containing information on the venue, transportation, accommodation, organizational fees and instructions on abstracts submissions, is expected in March 2020.

Important dates:
Registration Form submission deadline:  18.02.2020.
Second Circular: March 2020.
Abstracts submission deadline: 01.06.2020 г.
Third Circular: May 2020.

Organizing Committee Chairman
Dr.Biol. Oleg Kuznetsov
Organizing Committee Secretaries
Cand.Biol. Sergey Znamenskiy
Cand.Biol. Lyuba Kantserova

185910, Petrozavodsk, ul. Pushkinskaya 11
RAS Karelian Research Center Institute of Biology
Phone: +7(8142) 561679
Fax: +7(8142)769810
The preferable way of contact to Organizing Committee is e-mail.

We would be greatly appreciated for the distribution of information on the symposium among your colleagues related to mires and mire studies.

The preliminary organization fee is estimated as a rouble equivalent of 50 Euro (30 Euro for students). Accommodation is suggested in the hotels in the city center. The price of accommodation is to be varying from 10 Euro per day (dormitory bed) up to 100-120 Euro.