Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Second circular

International symposium
(Russia, Petrozavodsk, September
14-18, 2020)


Dear colleagues!

We are happy to inform you that, despite some arising problems, we keep preparing for our symposium. The second information letter provides more information on the abstract preparation, payment of registration fees and other practical aspects of the event.

At the moment, about a hundred people have registered for participation and despite that general registration via the Internet has been closed since March 20, we leave the possibility of registering for participation without a report and without publishing abstracts personally by contacting the organizing committee 

You can download the full Second Circular from here.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Registrartion is closed

Well, we believe that enough time has been given for registration, and all interested person have already registered (nearly 100 participants from 3 countries have done). If not, we still leave them a chance for late registration with the email sent to mire2020@krc.karelia.ru marked “Late registration”.

Keep checking for updates - news coming soon.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Excursions page

Despite the frightening news from Europe, we continue to prepare for our symposium. Hopefully, we can overcome it within the nearest months. New information is going to be here very soon. In the meantime, on the last day of the symposium registration, we start a page dedicated to field trips planned during the meeting.

Field excursions are as much a part of a symposium as presentations and round tables. Most likely, this year we will organize two excursions on your choice from two noteworthy objects in South Karelia. On the page of excursions, you can familiarize yourself with these objects and download guides with more information.